
Modern menu for upscale gastronomy

Model London

The moderne Speisekarte „London“ for the upscale gastronomy, captivates with elegance and timelessness. This allows you to determine whether the lids are produced separately or as a single piece. The screw colour and spacing are also freely selectable.
This modern menu can be composed from bookbinder's cloth, PU & genuine leather produced werden und bei Bedarf mit Taschen ausgestattet werden. Das Modell „London“ ist in all formats available. If the number of sides changes, you can simply use longer or shorter screws.

Die Speisekarte „London“ besteht aus einem Cardboard-Kern, der mit diversen Echt- und PU-Ledersorten sowie Buchbinderleinen überzogen werden kann. Das Papier wird mithilfe von Schrauben befestigt, welche in verschiedenen Farben und Längen erhältlich sind.

Pockets in various shapes can be attached to the inside of the lid, e.g. for wine recommendations or special offers. This modern model is available in all standard formats and can be personalized with embossed logos.

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    The screws can be ordered classic in silver or gold, or modern lacquered according to your wishes.
    The screw length varies depending on the number of sheets (recommended max. 25)

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    Das Modell „London“ kann mit oder ohne Taschen hergestellt werden. Die Taschen können vertikal, horizontal oder als Vollrahmen ausgeführt sein.

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    The corners can be made straight or rounded.

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    Of course, the London menu can be personalised with one or more logos.
    The logo can be embossed blind or with embossing foil (colour as desired).

  • cushioning-foam


    The modern London menu can be upholstered. A foam layer is laid between the core and the outer material to achieve a soft, elegant feel.

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    This modern menu is available with or without seam, the colour of the yarn is freely selectable.

Genuine leather

PU Leather


Formats DIN A4 (regular, square, narrow)
DIN A5 (regular, cross), or as desired
Scope of application Food menu, beverage menu, wine list
Number of pages 2 to 50 pages
Material inside High-quality cardboard
Material outside PU leather, genuine leather, bookbinder's linen, piquét fabric

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