Since 2012 our group of companies has been purchasing various leather articles from SFP. As our hotel and our gastronomic facilities belong to the luxury segment, we pay special attention to highest quality and detailed advice. The SFP team always meets our requirements and has become a permanent partner. Many thanks!
Our core competence is the Manufacture of leather & leather products Wood articles for hotels, Restaurants and bars.
For 10 years we have been producing articles by hand in our manufactories, such as Menus, waste paper baskets, writing pads and giveaways. We have built up a rich basic assortment, which is complemented by numerous Special designs made to measure is added.
Please note that our articles are available in Handicrafts in the European Union can be produced.
The materials we use are also sourced from the EU, which avoids long transport routes
and thus helps to protect the environment. Of course, we can provide you with all necessary certificates and proofs of origin on request.