Our catalogs for download

All materials and products

So that you can also view all current products and materials offline, we provide two comprehensive catalogs in PDF format for download. Both the material and product catalogs are available in English and German.

In addition to high-resolution pictures, you will also find detailed descriptions and technical data on our articles and materials in the catalogues. Of course we can provide further information and pictures on request if our catalogues are not sufficient for you.

The new catalog is delayed. New materials and products available on request!
Please give us a call or use our contact form for a quick exchange!

product catalogue-sfp-hospitality
material catalog-sfp

Please note that we are specialised in custom-made products, so not all versions are shown or described in the catalogues. Let us know your ideas and wishes and we will help you to fulfill your project in the best possible way.

Of course we can send you samples of products and materials free of charge so that you can get a better idea of our quality. Contact us today for honest advice from our experienced team!

Ask us now - free of charge and without obligation!